The security protection mechanism of Gree IoT has been certified by professional bodies, and we are committed to protecting your data and providing you with the highest standards of security.
ISO27001 Information Security Management System
SO/IEC 27001 is an authoritative standard in the field of information security issued by the International Organization for Standardization, which guides enterprises to establish and operate information security management systems from 11 areas, including security strategy, information security organization, information security management, human resources, physical environment, and access control.
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ISO27701 Privacy and Security Management System
ISO/IEC 27701 is an extension of ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002 in terms of privacy protection, providing additional guidance on protecting privacy that may be affected by the collection and processing of personal information. The design is to augment the existing ISMS with additional requirements to establish, implement, maintain, and continuously improve a privacy information management system.
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Network Security Level Protection Standard System
Network security level protection refers to the hierarchical security protection for state secret information, proprietary information of legal persons and other organizations and citizens, as well as information systems for public information and storage, transmission, and processing of such information, the implementation of hierarchical management of information security products used in information systems, and the hierarchical response and handling of information security incidents that occur in information systems.
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ETSIEN303645 IoT Consumer Goods Network Security
The European consumer-grade IoT information security baseline standard, which covers the entire life cycle of products, software and hardware security, privacy protection and other security requirements, covers the information security requirements for equipment, communication and personal data protection, so as to ensure the security of the entire ecosystem.
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NISTIR8425 IoT Consumer Goods Network Security
The consumer-grade IoT information security baseline standard developed by the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology provides consumers with a reference standard for network security capabilities that IoT products typically need, and puts forward matters needing attention for the development basis of security configurations.
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Intelligent Networked Product Compliance Statement
In accordance with the requirements of the United Kingdom Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (PSTI) Act, Gree IoT establishes a security line for IoT products to ensure the network security of users.Click below to view the Intelligent Networked Product Compliance Statement.
Vulnerability Reward Scheme
Gree IoT and BuTian Vulnerability Response Platform Join Hands to Build a New Internet Security Ecosystem
Security White Paper
View Gree Intelligent Security White Paper